If you’re trying to decide between removing or encapsulating asbestos, you want to talk to the experts. What should you choose? It depends on the situation.
Asbestos removal involves removing the substance so that it no longer is present. Asbestos is harmful when you disturb it; the dust swirls fibers in the air that are toxic to inhale. Over a long period of exposure, it could even cause the cancer mesothelioma. It used to be the standard procedure to remove any asbestos found in a structure, but the Environmental Protection Agency now says that, in some cases, it’s safer to leave the asbestos intact but encapsulated so that it won’t dispense fibers.
Encapsulation of asbestos means applying either rewettable fiberglass or a liquid encapsulant to asbestos to lock down the fibers.
We often recommend encapsulatio of pipe insulation as it is a cheaper alternative and lasts for decades. We don't recommend encapsulating floor tiles as the encapsulation does not last. and ensure it won’t return.
The good news is that you don’t have to figure out what to do on your own. When it comes to asbestos removal vs. encapsulation, you’ll have certified, experienced professionals testing the area and advising you on how to proceed. They’ll keep you informed every step of the way, but deciding what to do won’t be a tough choice. In most cases, the solution is clear-cut.
If you’re looking for Massachusetts asbestos abatement contractors who can do the job safely, thoroughly, and permanently, contact AirSafe. We’re a family-owned business that’s been doing this for 30 years, and we have the latest equipment for removal. Your asbestos will be gone, and you’ll gain peace of mind.